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 Towards global learning .

Learning should never be constricted only between four walls. to broaden the pupils' minds we must first broaden the classroom as well.

Microsoft Global Learning Connection 2020 is the platform we need to make this happen so we thought WHY NOT? 

You might be wondering what is it all about? In a nutshell, it creates a sort of virtual classroom where you and your pupils could connect with teachers and pupils from all over the world through SKYE, ZOOM, GOOGLE MEET or  MICROSOFT TEAMS.

Pupils were given the opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings or present on a topic given and share the uniqueness of their country with other.

MGLC 2020 was held on November 10th, 2020 and SK Tambun Tulang participated by sending two teams of pupils and each team presented on a different topic about Malaysia.

Team 1 (Teacher advisor : Madam Zatusy Syamam Naim presented on Malaysian traditional food to a team from Gokulnagor Government Primary School in Bangladesh.

Fatien, Hanis, Syauqina, AB Muaz, and Adam Danish from Year 4 Delima presented on Ketupat, Tepung Pulut and Peknga. They did a wonderful job at presenting the topic. 

Team 2 (Teacher advisor : Madam Aimi Izdihar Rusli) presented on Malaysian Traditional Costumes to a team from Kericho Primary School, Kenya.

Alia, Bisyaratul, Adriana, Syaza and Anbiya from 5 Delima did an amazing job that day! they delivered the presentation with such confidence. 

The pupils were delighted to be given this opportunity to connect with other kids like them from a different country and learn about their unique cultures and traditions and even food!

As teachers we hope that this experience widen their mind and build their confidence in communicating in English.

Can't wait for what 20211 will bring!


Madam Zetty

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